The Let's Play Archive


by BisbyWorl

Part 82: Update LXXI.I - One conclusion

Update LXXI.I - One conclusion

Music: Savior - All Shall Become One

It didn't even take me half the time limit to kill Savior. Using cheats to stall is the only way we're seeing this.

Video: Transmigration Into One

The last turn before the seventh mirror lights up has him throw everything at you.

He starts by using all three of his buffs.

Then a wildcard move, which the reveal cheat breaks.

Followed by hitting you with Sunyata.

Then Twice fully heals him before his last action. At this point, we're already dead.

And even if there was some theoretical way to deal 34K damage in a single hit, Savior's sixth move is his counter, so there's no way for it to connect at this point.

With that, the final mirror is lit.

You may have noticed that his Noble Phantasm dealt no damage.

That's because it just ends you. Do not pass Go, do not collect 200 PPT.

Music: Game Over

You should already understand the possibilities war opens to humanity. And after the brainwashing, you will.

—When he tries, he will know just how meaningless that act will be. He will also realize that, right from the beginning, this fight would never have a victor.

—I wonder what will happen now. I guess a new Holy Grail War will begin and another victim will die here. Perhaps in the future someone will be able to overcome Twice and rightfully claim the Grail as their own—

But between the brainwashing and my eventual deletion, I won't be around to see that day come. That brief moment of disappointment starts to gradually fade away-

Once I'm gone, I wonder what will become of her. It's that thought that stays with me as I begin to fade—

Okay, now I can stop getting myself killed.

Battle lines

Battle start

This battle will bring the Holy Grail War to a close.


Command select

Stand up. You must still have some life left. (High health)


Will this be your end? (High health)


This is not something to be happy about. (Low health)


Think you can defeat me? Me? (Low health)


Combat lines

Yes, that's it. (Extra turn)


Yes, struggle till the end. (Consecutive extra turn)


Come at me with everything you've got. (Player extra turn)


You've managed to come this far? (Consecutive player extra turn)


Samsara tells the story of time. All living things, all suffering, return to me. Humanity will become one in Nirvana. (Transmigration Into One)


Your eyes and ears are unneeded. (seal_skill())


Know despair. (recover())